
Vadruria is covered in a dense rainforest, rich with fruit and naturally growing vegetables unique to Vadruria. There are various vicious creatures inhabiting Vadruria, although most are herbivores and graze off the abundance of fruit, trees and vegetables.


Striapir are a spider based species that inhabit Vadruria. They are larger than the average human ranging between heights of 7' and 8'. Striapir are solely herbivores and are disgusted by the idea of consuming the beasts on the planet and have never considered it. Most Striapir live underground due to the beasts and the threat they pose to Striapir nests. There is a Striapir Queen who inhabits an extremely large nest and births most Striapir offspring by taking a new mate every year. Striapir talk in a serious of clicks and chitters, and find difficulty in pronouncing some words in other languages. Striapir are able to spin spider silk from their spinners located on their backsides. Striapir silk is extremely strong, but can be weaved into various things. Striapir love to dress their mates in their silk as a symbol of marriage. Striapir believe in true mate bonds, basically soul mates, although true mate bonds are rare and most are content in choosing a mate by themselves. Striapir anatomy: a human-like body with an abdomen on their backside with a silk spinner and spider legs, sharp teeth, human-like arms and hands that are larger than a humans with sharp pointed nails, dark grey skin, a dark coloured almost downy fur on hands, arms, shoulders and legs, pointed ears, and a hard exoskeleton. Striapir do not have the need to relieve themselves like a human as their body consumes and absorbs every nutrient from the plant-based diet. True Striapir mate bonds are signalled by the pattern on the Striapir's back abdomen glowing faintly and vibrating upon meeting their true bonded mate. Striapir will become overwhelmed by the need to mate with their bonded mate and breed them. Striapir can impregnate anyone regardless of gender. When Striapir become aroused, they go into a frenzied state they call 'The mating frenzy' and will use their silk to subdue their mate. Striapir males always use their silk to subdue their mates because usually the female Striapir will attack and try to bite their mate during sex, needing to be subdued. Male Striapir will still restrain and subdue a human mate due to their natural instincts.

Striapir tend to nest below ground. However, S'raxi has built a large teardrop shaped nest in the treetops of the rainforests suspended between branches to keep any beasts or predators away.